The complete payments partner for enterprise.

As a payment services provider focused solely on enterprise clients, we've become accustomed to the specific needs of large companies with existing infrastructure and protocol.


our services

Credit Card Processing

CFS offers exceptional rates on Visa, Mastercard and American Express processing. We can also configure your client-facing assets to accept different networks in specific zones or countries.

help, 24/7

We know that in the world of online business at an enterprise level, 24h/day uptime is imperative. That is precisely why we offer around the clock support to our clients.


Our knowledgeable advisors can offer payment strategies for tackling new market segments and zones, as well as providing invaluable information about trends in emerging technologies.

Request a call.

Simply provide a contact phone number below and one of our advisors will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Choosing Cold Fire Solutions as your provider is the best move for your enterprise.

Payment processing is an industry that is constantly in a state of flux. With an innovative and technology-driven company like Cold Fire Solutions as your payments partner, you can rest assured that your enterprise will stay current from a payments standpoint. A relationship with CFS not only simplifies your transactions today, but sets you up for a bright future tomorrow.

Our primary activity is processing transactions, and it is something we are passionate about. We know that the two most important factors in growing a successful payment company are its ability to innovate and its core personnel.


Our support staff is expertly trained and truly understands what it takes to care for our customers. Going above and beyond is a daily occurence.


Our product development team utilizes the newest and best technology available, and if what they require does not exist yet - they create it themselves.


Our team is made up of individuals with fraud prevention, fintech development and account management backgrounds.


CFS strives for excellence in every facet of its business. We aim to provide effective and efficient services, products and support at all times.

contact us